Forests are one of the most important natural resources on earth and therefore also one of the most important legacies for future generations. We acknowledge this responsibility and advocate the responsible handling of these valuable ones Resources. Forests are one of the most important natural resources on earth and thus also one of the most important legacies for future generations. We acknowledge this responsibility and advocate the responsible handling of these valuable ones Resources.
The Forest Stewardchip Council® (FSC®) and the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification® (PEFC®) are organizations that aim to preserve forests through responsible management. Central to the FSC and the PEFC is an equal consideration of environmental, social and economic interests. The most important instrument of the FSC and the PEFC is a certification system in which compliance with the standards for good forest management in forest operations is checked and a subsequent product chain ensures that only wood from certified forests is labeled with the FSC and PEFC seal. The rules of the material flow in the product chain (in English "Chain-of-Custody or CoC") control the traces of the wood from the forest to the end product.
We are committed to the values of the Forest Stewardchip Council® (FSC®) and act in accordance with its guidelines.
The use of PEFC and FSC certified wood guarantees that the products come from sustainable forest management. By using the certification, Ulrich Thiele GmbH promotes economically feasible, ecologically sensible and socially compatible forest management.